All Social Media images Sizes For All Networks Cheat Sheet


All Social Media images Sizes

Social Media Image Sizes For 2023

The latest image sizes for different web-based entertainment organizations include Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Others.

    • Facebook image sizes  
    • LinkedIn image sizes 
    • YouTube image sizes 
    • X.Twitter image sizes 
    • Pinterest image sizes 
    • TikTok image sizes 
    • Website image sizes 

Why is it important to get social media image sizes right now?

Online entertainment picture sizes appear to continually change

One second you have the ideal cover page for your record. Coming up next, it's been resized and looks all pixelated and wrong. 

It doesn't help that data about true aspects and picture sizes is more diligent to find than a common conversation on legislative issues on Facebook.
In any case, it's easy to assume that you counsel this manual for virtual entertainment picture sizes on immensely significant web-based entertainment stages! 

The following are the latest online entertainment picture aspects, as of October 2023 
Fast web-based entertainment picture sizes 

We meticulously describe the situation for each and every organization underneath, however, this picture incorporates the online entertainment picture sizes you likely gaze upward most frequently

Instagram picture sizes

1. profile photo: 320 x 320 px 
2. Landscape: 1080 x 566 px 
3. Picture: 1080 x 1350 px   
4. Square: 1080 x 1080 px  
5. Stories and reels: 1080 x 1920 px 

Facebook Image sizes

1. profile photo: 170 x 170 px 
2. Landscape: 1200 x 630 px 
3. Covre photo: 851 x 315 px  
4. Square: 1200 x 1200 px    
5. Stories and reels: 1080 x 1920 px 
6. portrait: 630 x 1200 px 

TikTok Image Sizes

1 - Profile photo: 200 x 200 px
2 - Landscape: 1920 x 1080 px
3 - Stories: 1080 x 1080 px 
4 - Square: 1080 x 1920 px 
5 - Portrait: 1080 x 1920 px

Linkedin image sizes

1 - Profile photo: 400 x 400 px
2 - Landscape: 1200 x 627 px 
3 - Portrait: 627 x 1200 px
4 - Square: 1080 x 1080 px
5 - Cover photo: 1128 x 191 px 

X (formerly Twitter) image sizes 

1 - Profile photo: 400 x 400 px
2 - Landscape: 1600 x 900 px 
3 - Portrait: 1080 x 1350 px 
4 - Square: 1080 x 1080 px 
5 - Cover photo: 1500 X 1500 px 

Instagram Image Sizes

All Social Media images Sizes

Instagram upholds on a level plane and in an upward direction situated pictures. It also still supports square footage, which is why the stage was known for when it was originally launched.
This expands your image selection. However, it also makes it difficult to correct aspects of the image. Stick to these rules to ensure your photos put out their best selves.

Instagram profile picture size: 320 x 320 pixels

Instagram profile photographs are shown at 110 x 100 pixels, however, the picture documents are put away at 320 x 320 pixels, so make a point to transfer a picture that is not huge

Even though the aspects are organized in a square, Instagram profile photographs are shown as a circle. Guarantee any parts you want to focus on in the photo are centered so they don't get altered.

Instagram post sizes.

Scene: 1080 x 566 pixels 
Picture: 1080 x 1350 pixels 
Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels 
Upheld perspective proportions: Anyplace somewhere in the range of 1.91:1 and 4:5 
Suggested picture size: Width of 1080 pixels, level somewhere in the range of 566 and 1350 pixels (contingent upon whether the picture is scene or representation) 


Assuming you believe your pictures should put their best self forward on Instagram, plan to transfer a picture that is 1080 pixels wide. 
 when you share an Instagram picture estimated north of 1080 pixels, Instagram will measure it down to 1080 pixels. 
Assuming you share a photograph that has a goal lower than 320 pixels, Instagram will evaluate it to 320 pixels. 

Expecting your image to be someplace in the scope of 320 and 1080 pixels wide, Instagram will keep that photo at its extraordinary objective, "for whatever length of time the photo's viewpoint extent is somewhere in the range of 1.91:1 and 4:5 (a level somewhere in the range of 566 and 1350 pixels with a width of 1080 pixels)." 
If your moved Instagram picture is a substitute extent, the stage will thusly alter your photo to fit a maintained extent. 

Instagram thumbnail sizes:

Display sizes: 161 x 161 px
Recommended upload sizes: 1080 pixels wide
Instagram stories image sizes: 1080 x 1920 px


This is a perspective proportion of 9:16. 
Moving an image with a more unassuming pixel size (yet a comparable perspective extent) suggests the Story will support quickly. 
If you don't utilize this proportion, the Story could show with odd editing, zooming, or leaving enormous segments of the screen clear. 
Instagram Reels utilize this equivalent estimating. 

Instagram Reels sizes

1080 x 1920 pixels 
This is a viewpoint proportion of 9:16. 
Cover photograph: 1080 x 1920 pixels 
Remember that Reels are edited to a 1:1 picture in your profile feed and a 4:5 picture in the home feed.

Instagram ads image sizes:

 Scene:  1080 x 566 pixels 
 Square:  1080 x 1080 pixels 
 Minimum width:  320 pixels 
 Greatest width:  1080 pixels 
 Upheld viewpoint proportions: Anyplace somewhere in the range of 1.91:1 and 4:5 


Keep in mind: Instagram advertisements showing up in clients' feeds can't have more than 30 hashtags. 
There are likewise suggestions for the number of characters remembered for a promotion's essential message and title.

All Social Media images Sizes

X ( Tiwtter ) image sizes:

Tweets that incorporate pictures reliably get more snap-throughs, more likes, and more Retweets than non-picture Tweets. As a matter of fact, Tweets with visual substance are multiple times bound to get a commitment. 
Thus, picking the right pictures and making extraordinary visual substance for X (previously Twitter) matters. Also, obviously, that incorporates getting the picture measurements right. 

Tweets that incorporate pictures reliably get more snap-throughs, more likes, and more Retweets than non-picture Tweets. Honestly, Tweets X (Twitter) picture sizes for profile photos: 400 x 400 (recommended)
The last picture size: is 200 by 200 pixels 

Greatest record size:  2MB 

X (Twitter) header photograph size: 1500 x 500 pixels (suggested) 
ith visual substance is multiple times bound to get a commitment. 
Thus, picking the right pictures and making extraordinary visual substance for X (previously Twitter) matters. What's more, obviously, that incorporates getting the picture estimates right


To confirm the picture, utilizing the most extreme size is ideal. 
Header pictures are edited to a perspective proportion of 3:1. 
Remember that how header pictures show changes relies upon the screen and program being utilized. 

X (Twitter) card picture size:

X (Twitter) perceives when a post incorporates a URL. The stage then, at that point, creeps that site, pulling in happy, including a picture for the synopsis card. (This is the way everything works, incidentally.)

Least size: 120 x 120 pixels
Upheld designs: GIF, JPG, PNG
Most extreme record size: 1MB


You can test what your rundown card will resemble and see a see utilizing the card validator.
There is a scope of various X cards, so likewise a scope of sizes. As well as the standard outline cards, there are synopsis cards with enormous pictures, application cards, and player cards.

X (Twitter) picture sizes for promotions:

Single and multi-picture tweets: Least 600 x 335 pixels, however utilize bigger pictures for the best outcomes.

Site card picture: 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 perspective proportion. 800 x 800 for 1:1 perspective proportion. Max record size of 20MB.

Application card picture: 800 x 800 pixels for 1:1 angle proportion. 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 angle proportion. Max document size of 3MB.

Merry go rounds: 800 x 800 pixels for 1:1 angle proportion. 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 viewpoint proportion. Max record size of 20MB for 2-6 picture cards.

Direct Message card: 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 viewpoint proportion. Max record size of 3MB.

Discussion card: 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 viewpoint proportion. Max record size of 3MB

.Asset: Track down more data here on the most proficient method to promote on X (Twitter).

Facebook  online earning

Facebook picture sizes:

Facebook refreshes its plan and picture aspects continually. The best procedure to future-evidence your image's substance is to continuously transfer the greatest picture you can. Stick to Facebook's recommended record plans for the best results. 

Facebook profile picture size: 170 x 170 pixels (on most PCs) 
Your Facebook profile picture will show 170 x 170 pixels in the work area. In any case, it will show as 128 x 128 pixels on cell phones. 
Facebook picture sizes for cover photographs: 851 x 315 pixels (suggested) 
Display sizes desktop: 820 x 312 pixels 
Display sizes cell phone: 640 x 360 pixels 
Least size: 400 x 150 pixels 
Ideal document size: Under 100KB


To keep away from any pressure or twisting, transfer a JPG or PNG document. 
Use the recommended pixel sizes for the speediest burden times.
Profile pictures and cover photographs with logos or text work best when transferred as a PNG document. 
Try not to haul to reposition whenever you've transferred your cover photograph. 
Asset: Get more tips on making extraordinary Facebook cover photographs.

Facebook timetable photograph and post sizes: 

Facebook subsequently resizes and plans your photos when they are moved for the schedule to be 500 pixels wide and to fit the 1.91:1 point extent. 
Be that as it may, keep away from pixelation or slow burden times by recalling these sizes: 
Suggested size: 1200 x 630 pixels 
Minimum size: 600 x 315 pixels 


On the off chance that you are sharing 2-10 pictures in your image's Facebook post utilizing the merry-go-round show, pictures ought to be 1200 x 1200. 
This is a 1:1 proportion. 
Facebook occasion cover photograph picture sizes: 1200 x 628 pixels (suggested) 
This is about a 2:1 proportion. 
The size of your occasion cover photograph can't be altered after it's been added to an occasion

Facebook picture sizes for display or 360 photographs: 

Minimum image size: Facebook says it should be "less than 30,000 pixels in any dimension and 135,000,000 pixels in absolute size. 
Viewpoint proportion:  2:1


Facebook naturally perceives and processes these pictures because of "camera-explicit metadata found in photographs taken utilizing 360-prepared gadgets." 
Documents for these Facebook pictures can ultimately depend on 45 MB for JPEGs or 60 MB for PNGs. 
Facebook suggests involving JPEGs for 360 photographs and guaranteeing records aren't greater than 30 MB. 
Facebook picture sizes for Facebook Stories: 1080 x 1920 pixels (suggested)


Facebook Stories take up the full screen of a phone. That is a viewpoint proportion of 9:16. 
Try not to pick a picture with a width more modest than 500 pixels. 
For Stories with text, consider leaving 14% of the top and base sans text. (That is 250 pixels.) That way no source of inspiration will cover your picture with a profile photograph or fastness.

Facebook picture sizes for ads:

  • Sizes for Facebook Feed ads: No less than 1080 x 1080 pixels. Least size 600 x 600 pixels. Proportion 1.91:1 to 1:1. Greatest document size of 30 MB. 
  • Sizes for Facebook Right Column ads: No less than 1080 x 1080 pixels. Least size is 254 x 133 pixels. Proportion 1:1. (Remember: These are a workspace just an advancement plan.) 
  • Facebook picture sizes for Moment Articles: No less than 1080 x 1080 pixels. Proportion 1.91:1 to 1:1. Most extreme record size of 30 MB. 
  • Picture sizes for Marketplace ads: Somewhere around 1080 x 1080 pixels. Proportion 1:1. Most extreme record size of 30 MB. 
  • Picture sizes for Facebook Search: Somewhere around 1080 x 1080 pixels. Least size 600 x 600 pixels. Proportion 1.91:1 to 1:1. Greatest record size of 30 MB. 
  • Facebook picture sizes for Supported Messages: Somewhere around 1080 x 1080 pixels. Proportion 1.91:1 to 1:1. Greatest record size of 30 MB. 
  • Sizes for Messenger inbox ads: No less than 1080 x 1080 pixels. Proportion 1:1. Least size 254 x 133 pixels. The greatest document size of 30 MB. 
  • Sizes for Messenger Stories ads: No less than 1080 x 1080 pixels. Proportion 9:16. Least width of 500 pixels. 
Asset: This is more data en route to publicize on Facebook. 

LinkedIn online earning

LinkedIn picture sizes: 

Exactly when you use LinkedIn for business — whether it's utilizing your profile or an association page — coordinating your LinkedIn revives with pictures has reliably been displayed to build remarks and sharing. 
Adhere to the suggested sizes beneath for the best outcomes. What's more, consistently try to take a gander at your profile and content on different gadgets before finishing.
Linkedin image sizes for profile photo: 400 x 400 pixels or larger


Linkedin can accommodate photographs up to 7680 x 4320 pixels. 
Furthermore, it can deal with records up to 8MB, so transfer as extensive as possible for future confirmation. 
LinkedIn image sizes for personal profile cover photo: 1584 x 360 pixels  


Ensure your record is more modest than 8MB. 
Cover photographs are edited diversely on versatile work areas. Try to see your profile on the two sorts of shows before finishing. 

LinkedIn image sizes for company pages:

Company logo sizes: 300 x 300 px
page cover image sizes: 1128 x 191 px
Life tab custom modules image sizes: 1128 x 376 px
Life tab company photo image sizes: 502 x 282 px
Life tab main image sizes: 900 x 600 px
Square logo: 60 x 60 px


While presenting picture refreshes on your organization page, try to utilize PNG or JPG pictures. 
Utilize a viewpoint proportion of 1.91:1. 
The suggested LinkedIn post size is 1200 x 628 pixels. 
This LinkedIn picture estimating likewise applies to LinkedIn Grandstand pages. 

LinkedIn picture sizes for blog post link pictures: 1200 x 627 pixels (suggested)

LinkedIn custom picture size for sharing a link in an update: 1200 x 627 pixels (suggested)
While sticking a URL into an update, an auto-created thumbnail picture might show up in the review on the off chance that one is accessible, alongside the article or site title. 
However, you can redo it by tapping the Picture symbol underneath the text box and choosing a photograph from your PC. 
The picture ought to utilize a 1.91:1 ratio. 
More than the base of 200 pixels wide. 
If the picture is under 200 pixels wide, it will show up as a thumbnail on the left half of the post. 

LinkedIn picture sizes for ads: 

Organization logo size for ads: 100 x 100 pixels
Spotlight advertisements logo size: 100 x 100 pixels
Spotlight ads custom background picture: 300 x 250 pixels 
Sponsored content pictures: 1200 x 627 pixels (1.91:1 viewpoint proportion) 
Sponsored content merry go round pictures: 1080 x 1080 pixels (1:1 viewpoint proportion) 

Pinterest online earning


Pinterest picture sizes: 

Pinterest profile picture size: 165 x 165 pixels (suggested) 


Recall that your profile photograph will be shown as a circle.
Pinterest picture size for profile cover photograph: 800 x 450 pixels (at least)

Attempt to try not to put a representation photograph into the cover photograph spot.
All things considered, utilize a scene photograph with a 16:9 viewpoint proportion.

Pinterest picture sizes for Pins:

Aspect ratio: 2:3 (suggested)
Square pins: 1000 x 1000 pixels
Suggested size: 1000 x 1500 pixels
Max document size: 20MB


Keeping the 2:3 perspective proportion guarantees your image's crowd sees every one of the picture's subtleties on their feed.
On the feed, Pins are shown with a proper width of 236 pixels.
If you have any desire to make Pins with an alternate perspective proportion, realize that Pinterest crops pictures from the base.
Both PNG and JPEG documents are acknowledged.

Pinterest picture sizes for assortments Pins:

Aspect ratio: 1:1 (suggested) or 2:3
Suggested size: 1000 x 1000 pixels or 1000 x 1500 pixels
Max record size: 10MB

This organization shows up as one primary picture, over three more modest pictures.
All pictures should have a similar viewpoint proportion.
Assortments show up in benefits from cell phones.
Both PNG and JPEG documents are acknowledged.
Assortments can likewise be a promotion design on Pinterest.

Pinterest picture size for Story Pins:

Aspect ratio: 9:16
Suggested size: 1080 x 1920 pixels
Max record size: 20MB

Pinterest picture sizes for promotions and merry-go-rounds:
the application introduces promotions with the same specs as standard Pins. A 2:3 viewpoint proportion is suggested. 1000 x 1500 pixels suggested.

  • Merry round Pins and promotions: A perspective proportion of either 1:1 or 2:3. 1000 x 1500 pixels or 1000 x 1000 pixels suggested. Up to 5 pictures can be remembered for a merry-go-round.
  • Shopping ads: Same specs as standard Pins. A 2:3 perspective proportion is suggested. 1000 x 1500 pixels suggested.


Snapchat ads image size:

Snapchat ads picture size: 1080 x 1920 pixels (at minimum)
Aspect ratio: 9:16
Document type: JPEG or PNG
Maximum document size: 5MB
Snapchat Geofilter picture size: 1080 x 1920 (at minimum)
Aspect ratio: 9:16
Document type: JP

YouTube standard picture size

Youtube image sizes: 

YouTube profile photo size: 800 x 800 pixels (suggested) 


Ensure the focal point of your photograph is focused for the best outcomes. 
Records ought to be JPEG, GIF, BMP, or PNG. Enlivened GIFs won't work. 
Photographs will be delivered at 98 x 98 pixels. 
YouTube standard picture size: 2048 x 1152 pixels (at least) 
Aspect ratio: 16:9 
minimum region for text and logos without being cut off:
1235 x 338 pixels 

minimum file size: 6MB 
Asset: How to make the best YouTube channel workmanship (in addition to 5 free layouts). 
YouTube video size: 1280 x 720 pixels (at least) 


YouTube suggests that recordings expected to be purchased or rented have a higher pixel count: 1920 x 1080 pixels. 
YouTube expects recordings to be 1280 x 720 pixels to satisfy HD guidelines. 
This is a 16:9 perspective proportion. 
YouTube thumbnail size: 1280 x 720 pixels 

TikTok image sizes

TikTok image sizes: 

TikTok profile photo size: 20 x 20 pixels (minimum size to transfer) 
While 20 x 20 is the base transfer size, transfer a greater photograph for future sealing. 
TikTok video size: 1080 x 1920 
The ideal perspective proportion for TikTok recordings is 9:16. 
TikTok Carousel picture size: 1080 x 1920 (for best outcomes) 
The ideal viewpoint proportion for TikTok merry-go-round pictures is 9:16 or 1:1, however, you can likewise post pictures with a 4:5 ratio. 

Why is it important to get social media image sizes right? 
Social media marketers need to get many things right when creating visual content for social media. 
You must ensure any pictures you use don't resist intellectual property regulations. If you don't have unique symbolism, you must find top-notch stock photographs. Furthermore, you must sort out which apparatuses out there can assist with lifting your virtual entertainment pictures. 

In addition, you must get your online entertainment picture measurements right. What's more, getting that right is truly significant because: 
It maintains a strategic distance from pixelation and off-kilter picture extension. Furthermore, staying away from that keeps your pictures looking proficient. 
Your photographs will be streamlined for every social channel's feed. This can assist with expanding commitment. 
It guarantees your crowd sees the full photograph. Mistaken measuring could remove a portion of your image's information. 
It can confirm your substance. Being in the loop with virtual entertainment picture estimates currently could mean less work for your image from now on, when organizations change up how pictures show once more 
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